22 Frugal Tips from Your Favorite Personal Finance Writers - Experian

18 Sep 2012 – Do you love saving money? Are you looking for even more ways to keep more money in the bank? Experian knows the importance of this for ...

Daily Local News - Brilliant Frugal Living: Winterize your home

www.dailylocal.com/.../brilliant-frugal-living-winterize-... - United States
The month of October is the perfect time to winterize your home – the weather isn't too hot, isn't too cold, and there's still lots of daylight.

 Families plan a frugal little Christmas  The Sunday Telegraph December 07,  2008                                                                            

SIXTY per cent of families will spend less money on Christmas this year compared with 2007 (I call it ENFORCED FRUGALITY)

Variety chain The Reject Shop Ltd is eyeing 20 profit growth in the current year after another bumper year in the bargain basement.

This year, truly love being frugal Herald Sun December 3, 2008

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