Cut back on consumption...Be less wasteful... Explore Oprah's website Money section includes:

  • 25 Ways to Save Money Every Day 
  • Suze Orman's Recession Advice 
  • Money-Saving Tips for Thrifty Families  

    'Your Money Or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence' by Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin. At

    'Downwave' by Robert C. Beckman.  At

  • The Downwave: Surviving the Second Great Depression by Robert C. Beckman

    'The Frugal Shopper' by Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith
    Provides clear advice that will give you the confidence to assert yourself as a customer

    FRUGAL SHOPPER CHECKLIST BOOK   Introduction by Ralph Nader
    Designed to help you develop your consumer skills and help you make smart and safe purchases.

    The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn                                                                                                      Tightwad tips for frugal living including travel, saving on bills, cheap breakfast cereals, using items you were about to throw away.

    365 Ways to Live Cheap Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money by Trent Hamm  - how to cut down on costs.

    Frugal Living for Dummies by Deborah Taylor-Hough includes saving money on family expenses.

    Secrets of Simplicity by Mary Carlomagno

    Live a frugal life 


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